“This is the World That We Live in..

…I feel myself get tired.” -The Killers. 

There’s so much to say; yet nothing else to say. It’s all been said before. In the wake of this tragedy, all we can do is stand silent because this has happened before. This has happened too much. This will unfortunately keep happening. There’s a sense of powerlessness that comes with the realization that so much is out of your control. Out of mine. In the hands of the wrong people. 
We have endured way too many mass shootings. We have argued with each other over gun rights until we are blue in face because it’s easier to blame an inanimate object than it is to believe that people in this world are really so cruel. But even if guns were out of the picture, the fact of the matter is evil people who have intent to harm will go to whatever lengths and use whatever means necessary to carry that out. If it wasn’t a gun it would have been a bomb and if it wasn’t a bomb, it would have been a plane, and at the end of the day the means doesn’t matter. What matters is the end. That innocent people are dying at the hands of evil people. 

The government always wants to use times of crisis to further push their agendas. If you think the president, or perspective nominees, are going to save you from the evil people in this world you are naive. They may say words that might comfort you. They may throw out utopian thoughts about ridding the world of weapons, and yes, it sounds so good. They might talk about extracting Muslims, and with ISIS being such a threat it might also sound good. But it’s not the answer and realistically is so far-fetched.

Obama can’t save you. 

Trump and Hilary can’t save you. 

Government agencies can’t save you. 

The police can’t ALWAYS save you, but Lord knows they try courageously, and sometimes they succeed. 

You are responsible for your safety. Because at the end of the day it’s pure luck if you happen to survive a shooting by entering the fetal position, ignorantly assuming a shooter can’t point the barrel down. 

Buy a gun license, and a small hand gun. Get trained on the proper use of the weapon. Get educated on gun safety. Carry it in your purse, on a holster, in your car. When you find yourself in danger; use it. You’ll save lives, if only just your own. Chances are you’ll never need to and thank God, but the day you find yourself begging for your life in the fetal position, you’ll damn sure wish you had one. 

In this day and age of mass shootings and evil men parading the streets, you’re a fool not to take responsibility to protect yourself and your family. The police can only respond in minutes, but it only takes a second to pull a trigger. 

Let’s Get Politicalย 

I consider myself to be an educated American who actually takes time to consider and read candidate’s platforms, and not simply rely on what the media likes to force feed us with a fire hose. I also consider myself a Centrist, in which I care less about party lines, and more about finding a solution for our country that makes sense. Despite this, though, I’m also perceptive and not in any way blinded by propaganda. I look deeper than that. To know the true intentions of a politician, you have to think like a politician, and that means twisting everything backwards and upside down to fit any crooked type of scenario possible. Call me a conspiracy theorist: I call myself aware. 

Now, if I was a voter, am not (due to the fact that polls are rigged and simply give us the illusion of having a voice) I would cross out the Dems simply because Hilary+Beghazi=๐Ÿ˜ก and Bernie+our economy=๐Ÿšฝ. Hopefully that’s easy for you to understand. I don’t have patience to explain that further. Besides, political trends suggest that it will be a Republican anyway due that lovely pendulum effect. 

That leaves us with the GOP candidates. Honestly, Cruz just isn’t going to make it. It would be all good and great (mostly) but it’s not happening. He doesn’t have what it takes to trump Trump. Maybe over the summer he can pull something crazy, but even if he does, he’s still bought and paid for by some sort of lobby party, the GOP, a special interest group, or all of the above because NEWSFLASH career politicians are being bribed and funded strait out of law school so if you think they are making their own decisions when they step into the Oval Office, you’re ignorantly mistaken. 

Which leaves Trump, whose name in and of itself leaves a sour taste in my mouth. His name describes him so well: he literally trumps his way over everything and everybody. He is arrogant, mouthy, and beligerant. Sexist, homophobic, intolerant, and fucking rude. I think we can all agree to those points. However, there are pros that he does bring to the table: a solid economic strategy to bring companies back from overseas which will boost jobs and the economy, a desire to provide tax relief for the middle class, and most importantly: he owns himself. He funded his own campaign, he is not a career politician, he hasn’t made shady deals with special interest groups, and he doesn’t owe anyone in the House or Senate a damn thing for getting to where he is (should he be chosen). 

On paper, those things look great. However, they also scare the fuck out of me. His foreign diplomacy will be terrible, I can just imagine him walking into President Assad’s office and telling him to “suck his dick he’s not signing any deals”. That will go over like a fart in church. His lack of tact will get us nuked, I can see it now. We will probably lose allies because the entire world also hates him. There’s always that possibility that he’s the next Hitler because you never know when someone is going to let a little power go to their heads, especially when they aren’t controlled or blackmailed by lobbyists or other party members. 

If it comes down to him or Hilary I’d still rather him be elected just based off the sheer fact that she had those Marines killed, lied about it, tried to cover it up, and the only reason she’s not in federal prison is because Obama would pardon her. And Bernie would just be a white Obama and our economy would be no better than it is now. It could possibly be worse. 

I don’t know what is going to happen, but I know we are going to be fucked either way. 

